I have been a member of CGI for a while now. I watched for a very long time before I joined, until I came to the conclusion that the spirit of this forum was a place where reasoned minds could present observations without unreasoned reaction to presentation even if presentation was not acceptable to some other members by belief or analysis or whatever.
Was I wrong concerning my initial conclusion about this forum?
Anyone with any sense of the power, the treachery and the subterfuge underlying politics knows that Trump was -permitted- to occupy office of president. Trump has liberty to act within parameters established by the power that permitted him to office. He is absolutely -not- free do do as he would choose beyond parameters. Not by any stretch of imagination. Liberty is parameters, freedom is no parameters. This is the context that SOTW is presenting. This is unquestionably obvious.
Trump is a politician. As such he cannot be trusted. Period. Trust of politicians is a major reason that this nation is in dire straits. This is not arguable. Is he good or bad? I don't know and I don't care. He -is- a politician. He is inextricably intertwined with the power, the treachery and the subterfuge underlying politics.
I have just insulted Trump. Is this to be construed as a personal insult to any member of the forum or to the forum at large? Is this posting of a threat that I perceive to be real and tangible to be construed as hate or hate speech? What if I say that all gods and devils and religions, throughout history, are corporate creations marketed to a beguiled public as control mechanisms? (And yes, I do hold this conviction firmly based on available evidence.) Have I crossed a line yet? Where do we draw this line?
I would suggest that we draw the line here. As long as I have not incited real and tangible violence resulting in real and tangible damage to property or organic persons , and as long as I have not caused real and tangible damage (libel) to the organic character to whom I am referring then I am operating well within first amendment liberty of speech and first amendment freedom of speech, the "triggering" of others not withstanding.
In the instant that liberty and freedom of speech are curtailed simply because someone is "triggered" then the liberty and freedom of speech, as well as the remaining nine liberties and rights cease to exist.
On or about eighteen seventy five the Republic of law and the ten organic amendments were subsumed into a corporate/maritime form of government. Republic, law and organic rights were replaced with existence under terms and condition of contract. The contracts start with the marriage (mari-age) license, continue with birth (berthing)
certification and additional adhesion contracts as one matures. One is subject to ten corporate liberties plus additional. There are no rights at law. There are no freedoms by organic right. There are only prescribed parameters of operation. This, again, is the context in which SOTW is differentiating liberty and freedom. This is clear to reasoned minds.
Sonofthewind does have a somewhat abrasive style of presentation. I would not argue that. But he does contribute some well reasoned points to the forum. I should think that this is of far greater importance than any minor irritation that one can easily brush off.
Am I wrong about what I had perceived to be the spirit of this forum, that it is a place where reasoned minds could present observations without unreasoned reaction?