In just a few short days, so much can happen. I hesitated to produce a blog entry for two reasons; I could only use the one hand until now, but it seems I can limp along presently. The other things was the VERY strange events at the hospital(s) during which my arm got put back into the shoulder housing.
It took 9 hours for the shoulder to get fixed and so the pain went on consistently across that span. It would not have been so painful BUT... I take Suboxone, which renders ALL opiates ineffective. I do not take it because of any opioid addiction. However, coming off of heavy duty painkillers after a protracted period of use can be VERY uncomfortable. I had been taking them because, during the course of a single year, I had a broken hip, a broken ankle and several gall bladder attacks, culminating in its removal. Then there was the persistent painful aftermath of each, so I was taking a large amount of Oxy-analgesics. When I tried to stop taking them myself, it resulted in excruciating withdrawal. My doctor gave me Suboxone AND... very quickly, the withdrawal ended and was even accompanied by a state of mild euphoria.
I had enough of these Suboxone, sublingual films for a week or so and over that time, I noticed that my previous pain, for which I was taking the painkillers, was much reduced and was also proving to be a far more effective, with zero negatives, mood elevator than any of the commercial garbage that is handed out like suicidal candy by doctors, who 'used to' attempt to practice medicine but are now only employees of the pharmaceutical realm.
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