Welcome and greetings my friends. Welcome to Visible Origami and today's dissection of the separated and complex, into the unified and simple. Through all of our lives and through all of the lives, we have studied, who lived in times other than these; we have encountered a great deal of information. No doubt we have forgotten more techniques than we remember. If we are CAREFUL and ATTENTIVE, we have seen that there are basically three areas; those who promote simplicity, like Lao Tzu and those who promote complexity, like Gurdjieff and those who are either intelligence agency constructs, mind control pathways into evil practice, or absurdities, like A Curse of Miracles, Scientology, or your various New Age Jambalaya's, Satanism, Wicca and UFO followers.
IN NO WAY am I seeking to be dismissive specifically of any of them. They all work within and for a particular demon-graphic. These posts, as far as detail goes, are brief and limited. We are, therefore, 'suggestive and 'indicative' and work through 'hints' and 'innuendo'. We have ALWAYS told the reader to 'take what is useful and disregard the rest.' We have done an extensive research to inform and convince ourselves and what you get here is the product of that. It is NOT MEANT TO CONVINCE YOU! These are simply concerns I have convinced myself of AND... I am NOT CONVINCED OF ANYTHING... except the Presence of God. Anything else is the result of, for me, a preponderance of Circumstantial Evidence. Trust but Verify.
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