Courtesy of Chi-Com Industries and their subsidiary, the Bohemian Grove WHO-Owl, I am watching the One World: Together at Home event and it is an eyeopener I must say. What I have learned so far is that I still feel the same about Lady Gagme and Paul McCartney can't sing anymore. It's really sad. How did he convince himself to do this? This is a seriously cringe-worthy happening. You pretty much have to see this to believe it. I've had my own struggles with vocal ability in recent years but not like that... yet. Now there is some Victoria Secret's model type called Casey Musgrave. I've no idea who that is but it was also pretty bad. You can see how much engineering, plugins and the like have to do with the final musical product. I've known for a long time that muddy incoherent vocals were the industry standard cover for terribly uninspired lyrics. Now I see/hear that that is only a part of the overall illusion of competence but then... our standards are, apparently, not what they once were.
This is supposed to be a feel-good affair. I don't feel good yet. Now there is Elton John. There is a great deal of sincere feeling missing across the board so far. It's all flat (insider music-related double entendre). They're banging on about health care workers but so far no one has mentioned The Sun or made any reference to The Ineffable. Jimmy Fallon is doing his white bread Jamaica thing. Okay... enough of my commentary on this nonstarter.
They're sneaking in The Fabulous Life-Changing Vaccine references. Maybe Bill Gates will show up and do a Porn Hub commercial. Yeah... I said I would stop talking about it. Let me close by saying it is more of the same self-serving, pulling on the tear ducts bullshit that we have all come to know and detest. My friends... what this has been/is all about is A TEST RUN to see how easy it is to herd The Sheeple in and out of the labyrinthine paddocks. It's a trial engagement. It's a run-up to (Drum Roll) The Mark of the Beast.
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