A reader wrote in yesterday, asking about what he might do, concerning flashes of anger and rage that come upon him. I suspect that this and similar emotions are plaguing a great many of us at this time, or have at some time. Venal and twisted beings have taken over the outer environs, which all of us are passing through to some degree. When a nasty little cabal of Satanists in the Middle East attacked the United States on 9/11, many of our freedoms went missing. Trying to travel by plane has become a nightmare and I- for one -avoid it now. I just don't go anywhere if travel by air is required, unless I travel in my astral body for which I do not need to pass through checkpoints.
Skulls Chertoff, one of the main players in the attack made a fortune off of marketing body scanners. His picture says it all. The impotence of our collective state, no doubt, enrages many of us. Now THEY have manufactured a nothing kind of a virus, to kill off the elderly and those with existing health complications, so that they could also create a new system of social control called, Social Distancing. They are invited to kiss my ass and no distance is required as far as I am concerned. Scratch that, I don't want them anywhere near my ass. I don't know where that mouth has been but without question it was deep into the darkest orifice of The Prince of Darkness not long ago.
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