Exposed by WikiLeaks! Motive for War with Russia! Conspirators giving talking points to Hillary
~~We may not know all the reasons the globalists want to go to war with Russia. But it is reasonable to assume there are several reasons the globalist want World War Three. One of the obvious reasons is the fact they have run out of tricks to play to keep the financial system going. They want to use war to revitalize the economies with an infusion of money. They can justify making the nations borrow more money if there is a great threat of war. Once the people are afraid of war, or their lifestyles being destroyed, they will agree to any form of servitude to stay “free”. LOL
There are other ulterior motives as well. The oil and gas companies want all of Russias vast petroleum deposits. The conspirators also fear Russia will grow to be a real threat to the new world order and global socialism -now that they are a democracy. They want to take Russia and China out now before they become too powerful.This war has been planned for many decades.
It took me years of research and travel to get a better understanding of the globalist’s long term goals. For example, I traveled to Alamogordo, New Mexico looking into why there were foreign pilots being trained on US Air Force bases - in our fighter jets. And to my surprise I met a pilot from Germany that was having dinner at a café. I started up a conversation and he invited me to sit with him while we had dinner. I asked him, since there was no threats from Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and no wars going on in Europe, why were they training so many pilots from Europe? He said : “Well, apparently they believe we will be needed in the future for some kind of a conflict.” Keep in mind, the only logical threat against Europe would be Russia. That really stuck with me and made me stop and think about things. The leaders of those nations and the US, don’t spend $ millions for something unless they have a good reason. That was around 1997. Obama tried to start the war with Syria over a year ago, and failed. Now they are trying again and the stage is set for a major confrontation. This is why Podesta has drilled into Hillary to focus on Russia and Putin during the debates. They know something we don’t. This bit of information was exposed recently by a WikiLeaks email that was discovered sent from Brent Budowsky to Podesta. Budowsky is described as: “The Hill Report Brent Budowsky, who has been exposed by the Podesta Emails as being a top Clinton Surrogate Journalist and a mole for Hillary inside the Bernie Sanders campaign…” Here is one of the emails to Podesta:
“Best approach to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin, but not go too far betting on Putin re Syria, Brent”
This is only one of thousands of emails that researchers are pouring over to find out what is going on behind the scenes. Podesta is Hillary’s campaign manager and he is pulling the strings. It was Podesta that was in contact with insiders and getting orders on what must be done next from Washington DC. It was Podesta that received the emails about the extreterrestrials refusing to come to earth for alein disclosure – until the world was “disarmed”. The word has been given from the higher echelons of the golobalist conspirators to unleash World War Three. Their motivation is to create order out of chaos – and the chaos will be in the form of a nuclear war that will bring the world to its knees.
This is why I recently wrote an article about the high possibility of a war starting with Russia in the next two weeks. Podesta has pushed Hillary to mention Russia and Putin – in fact, during the debates she mentioned Putin and Russia 178 times, more than any other subject. Why? It is also a well known fact that Podesta had financial dealings in Russia. Was he an insider and knew Russia was to be the next Nazi Germany to be vilified and attacked? Was he trying to exact revenge for business losses in Russia? Or was he also setting himself up for future profits once Russia is destroyed and brought under the thumb of the New World Order? Which is reminiscent of Vice President Biden taking his son with him on a trip to run an oil company in the Ukraine. Biden flew into Ukriane on Air Force 2 like a conquerer after that bloody coup was accomplished – with the help of billionaire George Soros’ NGOs unknown $ hundreds of millions and $5 billion(admitted officially) for US covert operations. Its always about the money. If you want to know what is really going on behind the scenes, follow the money.
This future war with Russia, by the actions of the puppet rulers, has to be done now to help Hillary win the election. Once the shock of a world war is prominent in the minds of people they will then be convinced of the validity of what Hillary has been talking about and then favor her in the election. Russia is being labeled the new Nazi Germany and Putin is the new Hitler. That makes for the perfect enemy archtype to motivate the nations to go to war. These things are thought out and planned in advance, it doesn’t happen by accident. And once a war starts we become the victims.
George Eaton
Wikileaks, Clinton emails suggests that Hillary was advised by Podesta to focus on Putin and Russia ttps://