China and Russia (if their BRIC won a war) would come into America and wipe it clean. Then set up their own version of China and Russia. Who knows, they might even fight each other over Mineral or oil territories while they set up some sort of gov..
So, which will it be?? China's version of Freedom of Russia's??
I have no qualm with either country and certainly would never ever want to fight the Russians.. I have Russian friends whom I love..
If history has taught us anything about Human nature it's that the victors will take over the victims..
PS When those guns are pointed at you, it might not be such a big deal.. When those guns are pointed at your children or your grandchildren, you'll do whatever it takes to keep them alive.. Again, that is human nature.. It's out greatest strength and our greatest weakness..
It is insane to consider going to war with Russia.
: Russia has not aggressed on any country in years.
: Russia was invited into Syria to help put down the aggression
: of the western countries. It all boils down to Syria's
: refusal to let an oil pipe line through their country. Why
: would Europe want war with Russia? Nearly all the natural
: gas used in Europe comes from Russia. When a war breaks
: out, the gas gets shut off. Much of Europe would then
: freeze to death in the dark. Then the war is over. The
: Western countries have a lot of war making tools but they
: work poorly. The new planes can not fly, many ships can not
: sail, and soldiers are trained in diversity and not in
: battle. Russia is satisfied with 1 aircraft carrier. The U.
: S. Corporation has about 10. Russia and China limit their
: activity near their own borders. The U. S. Corporation goes
: all around the world sticking its nose in everyone business
: and provoking other countries.
: Russian and Chinese equipment works the first time every time.
: Maybe the best thing for all would be a war where the U. S.
: Corporation gets destroyed. The U. S. Corporation certainly
: deserves it. Would the People of the West wake up to the
: idea that we do not need domineering government to get
: along with the rest of the world? I am afraid not. People
: must want to be violently dominated. People want to blindly
: follow authority figures so they do not have to take the
: responsibility themselves.