Since the news has been a buzz about President Trump's daughter being given a position in the Whitehouse and she is awaiting her special phone that is protected from hacking...My question is: How come government officials get special phones that can't be hacked - but the rest of us are vulnerable to hacking and being wire tapped? This sounds like two different levels of privacy, one for the powerful and one for the rest of us! That is a two tier system where government officials have an elevated, secure privacy phone while the rest of us "lower class" citizens are kept susceptible to wire taps and being hacked. How is that fair? It appears to me that we have a government system where the powerful are given more rights and privacy than we have. That is not the way our American system was set up, we should have equal rights under the law - not one for the rich and powerful and a lower standard for an under-privileged class.
It seems to me that when Trump found out he was being wiretapped he would have suddenly realized the reason for defending the 4th Amendment and protecting that right for all citizens. Instead he has followed what Obama was doing and has still not pardoned Snowden and Assange for being whistleblowers. They put their life on the line to defend the public's right for privacy and defending the US Constitution. Unfortunately, Trump is doing the very opposite of his oath of office! We will never be free in a nation that operates on a two tier system of one for the rich and powerful and one for the rest us. Without equal rights for all citizens we are not truly free, cannot pursue happiness and do not live in liberty.
George Eaton
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