Shall we believe another story of hopium?
Dare we dream yet again the that this madness must end?
For we all know this truly is madness.
This life. Don't we?
Do you agree that this life and planet are madness?
I say absolutely.
Do you believe that the power of the human mind and consciousness can affect the planet in a way that has an effect upon our future?
Absolutely. Once again.
So what are you waiting for?
I remember the grid meditation to wake up the planet a few years ago.
I have consciously maintained that grid in my mind ever since.
Extended it, strengthened it.
Connected with mother father and source. Found my star to sit in when I need to think.
I believe we have reached the tipping point. I think we can do it.
We can change the flow and we can cause cascading fractals flowing through the tides of the future.
Where are you at in your spiritual life?
Are there really anymore hills to climb or mysteries to explore?
Of Course!!
but I haven't seen one in a while. They're lost in the hills somewhere. I don't know if it's because the hill's too steep to climb or if I don't have a reason to climb it.
I say we either act now;
Or die in the never ending story we have wrapped ourselves into.
After all of my esoteric and spiritual searchings,
I'm done with the bullshit.
I'm ready for my spiritual battle.
I have been told to hold my light, the light of all within me. I have. I will. As is my destiny.
I'm done with being angry at the news, listening to dunderheads spouting inanities.
A video was posted last week about a hypnotherapist from the Northwest who found that one of the reoccurring themes in her sessions were about the most spiritual suffering malaise.
Happy loving earth people losing their shine.
I feel it baby.
That and the other thing about the event.
Like by the end of the month. I'm shooting for Easter just because of the irony, it's April Fool's Day.
but what the hell, it happens in the blink of an eye so why worry? It's not like you're going to have time to contemplate.
Do I believe?
Hell Yes. Why TF not?
Why not throw every collective resource into the fray?
Summon every light we have?
Let's make it happen.
Pull every string you've got with the higher realms, summon all your strengths of love, wisdom and power.
Make a connection and focus.
There's no one way. Do it however you feel.
Play every wild card you've got in your sleeve.
The announcement of the revolution is no longer postponed.
Don't miss it.
Get 'er done.
Let the endgame begin.
so we can kick ass and get on with this life.
Or our next truly free one.
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