There are countless photos and videos of this jerk pawing women and little girls. Why was his disgusting behavior never stopped by the Obama administration?
And yes, many former presidents had affairs while in the Oval Office. Here is but one of a plethora of links on that matter.
However, all of these encounters were allegedly with consenting adult women. Sleazy Uncle Joe not only gropes women but also little girls---without their consent. If elected, should he persist in his detestable pass time, who will stop him?
It is beyond comprehension as to why the Dems would even consider putting such a lech in the running.
Both sources for this article contain a number of photos and videos showing Biden's loathsome actions. Only one is included in this post, that of Jeff Sessions slapping Biden's hand away from his grand daughter. Go, grandpa!
"GROPIN’ JOE BIDEN Reportedly Getting Ready For 2020 Presidential Run…These Disturbing Videos Should Be Enough To Disqualify Him
Mar 10, 2018"