Seriously. Don't always agree, that would be a toddler following candy on a string to never never land. The weird insight from the cocosmic bubble view seems to vibe in my mind's reality, which is kind of freaky because I really don't like to let anyone in there. But what the fuck, If your cover's blown let your freak flag fly!!
: SNIP: You have probably noticed that there has been a gradual
: and sometimes accelerated progression of degeneration in
: the culture. You can usually tell where a culture is at
: from the soundtrack. If life is a movie (and it is) a
: soundtrack is an expected accouterment. You don't usually
: see a movie that lacks a soundtrack. Life is a movie
: because the mind acts as a film projector. Existence is a
: blank white screen and the mind projects a movie on it.
: When the movie ends, all that remains is the blank backing
: screen. Each mind projects a movie that is scripted out of
: Karma. However, since in reality there is only one mind,
: all these individual movies go on inside the completely 360
: degree, wrapped around wide screen, one mind movie.
: Nothing in the movie is real. Only the backing screen is real
: and the soundtrack for the backing screen is composed of
: the vibrating Om from Shiva's Drum. That's what you get on
: the Tabla Rasa before certain elements of humanity generate
: artificial components out of pristine nature. Pretty much
: everything I said so far was a manifestation of, by
: degrees, ever denser bullshit. Some of it is true enough,
: as far as it goes but I gradually migrated further and
: further afield in my word play so as to possibly be in
: danger of having my poetic license revoked. The sad reality
: is that this sort of thing is going on all the time these
: days but not in the form of an intellectual exercise but
: more likely as efforts of deception being performed by the
: deceived who forgot to update their drivers. Thus does
: Cochise make cowboys of us all.