I've NEVER fit in. Sometimes we pay the price for being "The Other". The rebel. The non-conformist. But I say "Fuck them and fuck that." I not only EMBRACE my otherness, I CELEBRATE it.
: Society says you have to do this and act like this because of
: how you're born. What if it goes against your innate
: nature? My 'incubator' wanted to turn me into a proper
: bimbo breeder cow parasite like herself. Didn't work. I
: like my time, my personal sovereignty, TAKING CARE OF
: freedom I do have, and I'm not too fond of obligations I
: can't get out of, not to mention after going through
: sitting my half siblings I never wanna see another baby or
: toddler ever again. In fact, these days, I'm not sure I
: wanna see anybody under 35 again. (My co-workers in the
: dishwashing department excepted.)
: Why not just instill one should be self-sustaining, and
: considerate of others. . .all else be damned?
: I went against most social constructs, and I must say. . .I'm
: getting my dues now in avery good way. Have been for a
: number of years. It's like the world doesn't apply to me,
: and considering what state it's in; that's fine by me.