Existence is like a waterwheel. Try to put that image in your mind because it is very important. It's important if you have any interest in knowing how things work. Many people do not. Lots of people are like crows... crows like bright shiny things. Many people are like many different kinds of animals and that animal nature keeps them from seeing the process they are locked into.
Once again, but not in some while, let me include the quote by Shankara; "These three are difficult to obtain in this world and depend on the mercy of the gods- the human birth, the desire for salvation, and the company of the great-souled ones." Life runs in currents like the ones in the ocean, Current go to specific locations. Some lifeforms ride the currents because it is their nature, and... some lifeforms get caught in the currents. Currents have a lot to do with mating and feeding. These are two principal causes of mortality, and two places in your body where Prana operates.
Prana also operates in the breath. Of course... Prana is more complicated than that, but... nothing beats Tantra for complications. It has always amused me when people try to pass themselves off as Tantra Masters. Europe has plenty of them, and... they come and go in The Hawaiian Islands... where there are rich host bodies of trustfunders, and people who have money for whatever the reasons. Usually, the reason is that Heaven is not fond of what you've been up to, and wants to teach you a lesson, OR... you spent a lot of time building up treasures where rust and moths do corrupt; same thing.
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