This is a followup to these postings:
FrancisDrake -- Friday, 22-April-2016 15:14:00
FrancisDrake -- Monday, 25-April-2016 19:15:09
Thursday April 28 2016 is the twentieth day of the first month in the Jewish Lunar Calendar, we are currently in the Passover week which began on the 15th day of Nissan/First Month, Saturday April 23 2016 and which ends on the 22nd day of Nissan, Saturday April 30 2016.
From page 151 of "Messiah Texts: Jewish Legends of 3000 years" by Raphael Patai, first published in 1979, look what this ancient Jewish prophecy says about the twentieth day of the first month...the twentieth of Nissan:
"Michael, the Great Prince of Israel, divulged a secret to the Prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel, about the end and the time which will come to pass in the future days, at the end of four kingdoms, in the days of the fourth king who will be in the future...The end of t he future will be at the end of days, in the days of the king who will be in the future, and Harmalet is his name...And he will stretch forth his hand on that day against the faithful nation [Israel], and he will shake it on that day three times. And all the constellations will gather and go to one place. They (Harmelet's men) will oppress houses and rob fields, and slay the orphan and the widow in the marketplace...ON THE TWENTIETH OF NISSAN, a king will rise from the sea and destroy and shake the world, and he will come to the holy mountain of the gazelle (i.e. the Temple Mount in Jerusalem) and will burn it. Accursed be among the women she who will bear him! This is that horn which Daniel saw. And on that day there will be suffering and war against Israel...on the twentieth day of Elul, Messiah will come, and his name is Yinnon....And thereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring up Gog and Magog and all its legions. And then all the peoples of the earth will gather and surround Jerusalem to fight it. And the Holy One, blessed be He, will go up and fight them, and Messiah will come,, and the Holy One will help him, and wage war against them...On that day the mountains will tremble and the hills dance, and the walls and the towers collapse..." (from Sefer Eliyahu, Bet ha'Midrash 3:65-67)
Well now there you have it. Although the prophecy is provincial and phantasmagorical, the exact date "twentieth of Nissan" and so forth may have been part of an earlier prophecy that was added to, becoming its present form. Interestingly, the Mayan prophecy which pinpoints April 28, 2016, is part of a prophetic scheme involving TWENTY-year and TWENTY-day cycles. Also interesting, Hitler was born on the TWENTIETH day of the first full month of spring, and was indeed a "robber and destroyer" of Israel.
And the phrase "a king will rise from the sea and destroy...the world", reminds me of a submarine-launched cruise missile or ICBM, which in turn reminds me of this news from two days ago:
Since war and invasion is implied in the prophecy, I should point out some other "time cycles" which land on April 28 and April 29, 2016:
The largest invasion in recorded history took place 26260 days before April 29, 2016...D-Day, the invasion of Normandy, France on June 6, 1944 is the same in the prophetic Mayan 260-day count as April 29, 2016....101 times 260 days to be exact. The day is called "Five Crocodile" and is the 161st day of the 260 day count. On that day in September 1990 (September 13, 1990 is "Five Crocodile", 9360 days before April 29, 2016, 26 times 360, 36 times 360 days apart)...on that day, I dreamed I was seated on the shoreline south of Seattle, Washington, and observed a massive invasion force, unlike the Normandy invasion, I saw many dozens of military helicopters over the ships, and a squadron of Russian soldiers came running past me, I raised my fist and said "F**k Capitalism!" sort of in solidarity with the eventual "Occupy Wall Street" movement, and the Russian Soldier said "F**k Communism!" and I turned to a friend seated to my right and said "...after all, they are the same thing"
Hey, don't look at me, lol, I'm just reporting what the dream showed and stated.
So now, get this:
On the morning of April 29, 1965, a deadly magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Seattle, Washington:
...the next day, The U.S. invaded the Dominican Republic...
This concurrence of a historic earthquake with war and invasion (something referred to in the Gog and Magog prophecy in Ezekiel Chapter 38 & 39) reminds me also of the fact that:
Chinese troops (U.N. peacekeepers) who had arrived in Haiti on October 17, 2004 for the first intervention in the Western Hemisphere went into action in Haiti's capital for the first time on December 14, 2004, and the next day, the largest earthquake "in a hundred years" struck the relatively nearby Cayman Islands, here are links to reports about both events:
News of that earthquake in the Caribbean was soon eclipsed by the monstrous December 25-26, 2004 Sumatra Indonesia quake, which was said to have shaken the entire globe!
The concurrence with of that earthquake in the same month which saw Chinese troops in unprecedented operation in the Western Hemisphere calls to mind a quote attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte:
"Let China Sleep, for when the Dragon awakes, she will shake the world."
By now it may seem I have digressed into disjointed gobbledygook, but keep in mind this is how Mayan priests and "day-keepers" operated....tying-in dreams with the real world and prophecy via time cycles.
Again, I don't claim to know what's going to happen April 28-29, 2016, but it is fun to see if events will bear any resemblance to what I've discussed, and the prophecies I've mentioned.
Have a great day! ; )