I'll bet you loved having your animals come to visit like that.. Mine seem to come in dreams but I've not had them come to visit like yours.. Still, it's feels wonderful, in dreams, to see them again and to let go a little slower emotionally ..
Ha.. celebrities in dreams feel weird.. I have two that come to me, periodically. These two don't come as starz but as old friends or more like old soul friends. I get the feeling we grew up together (in the dreams)There is no, "omg, you're a star," feeling in the dream.. just chatting and hanging out. Sometimes we just touch our foreheads and stay silent or sit on boulders and look out over the scenery. Maybe we are part of the same soul family?!? Maybe you are part of these peoples old soul family?!? Is that how you felt when you saw them in your dreams?
: Sable Sabbath (cat) visited my flatmate on the anniversary of
: his transition the other day. He walked across the futon. I
: felt something walk by me on the same futon a few weeks
: earlier. That cat was way cool and super smart. He was also
: a prankster until we moved out of his home town. He never
: adjusted to the move. After he knew he was dying, he slept
: with me every night, often on my pillow. I miss the little
: guy. It's who Percy is based on in The Xanon Chronicles.
: Now we have a feral named Percy that we feed, but he hates
: people and noses, so on those occasions where he's
: distracted enough where I can pet him a few times, he
: swipes at me; and occasionally tags me. I know I could win
: him over if I put enough time into it, but I'm too
: preoccupied.
: I appreciate the visits. It's funny, but I've been visited by
: people I admired and never met in dreams, like Abbie
: Hoffman, Jonathan Frid and Robert Mapplethorpe, amongst a
: few others. Just once, though. No repeat visits. Robert was
: cool with everything, Abbie wished he could have done more,
: and Jonathan just stopped by to say hi. Robert looked like
: he did in his early 20s, and the others looked like what
: they looked like when they died.