Things have really slowed down (as they usually do) over the summer months in CGI. ...
I can't say that nothing holds enjoyment. Rocking with a grandbaby or with my dog .. Looking out over a rolling hill view or sitting next to a lake/stream... Star gazing, Hiking along a wooded trail.. It's the simple things. Then again, my old school friends on Facebook (which I rarely go to- it's strictly for family pics) are all hanging out at the latest bistro, vacation spot, bar or 'club.' Those things hold no charm for me.. They want Las Vegas or Cabo with Drinks in hand but to me that seems so empty. There is nothing wrong with drinks or Cabo but the lifestyle seems to be a one up-man-ship with their peers. Crowds and more crowds .. No thanks.
I'm selective with my TV viewing. Live Concerts (youtube)Documentaries, old movies and really good acting shows instead of kill, kill, car chase, sex, T & A, BOOM movies :-)
Anyway, off my soap box for the day.. So happy that you dropped in to check up on us.. !!
Well except for the tv part ...I gave that up last November I
: think you pretty much nailed exactly what I've been feeling
: too.
: Different tasks than yours with the same outcome, success but
: not satisfaction.
: Thanks Lynda you put it in words I've been looking for.