full message: https://eraoflight.com/2018/03/18/matthew-ward-soul-search/
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
Let us begin by allaying concerns that your world is going to run out of drinking water. The Illuminati’s use of weather technology to create areas of drought—one part of their now-doomed plan to eliminate most of the world’s population—was intended to cause millions to die of thirst. That will not happen.
Weather manipulation, which also is responsible for the wild storms and record temperatures that have delayed Mother Nature’s return to a moderate climate globally, is going to meet its end along with all of the Illuminati’s other diabolical activities.
Dear ones, feel heartened by the progress of grassroots movements in many aspects of life on Earth and by knowing that technologies the Illuminati have kept hidden or maliciously used will be coming into benevolent hands to use openly without recrimination.
And, when it is safe for members of our space family to join you, they will introduce technology whose vibrations will turn vast deserts into arable lands, restore rain forests, eradicate toxic pollutants in air, water and soil, and heal extensive damage caused by extraction of fossil fuels. Gaia’s planetary body that once was the Garden of Eden shall again be a healthy, pristine paradise.
“Apparently the North and South Korean Olympic team was Kim Jong Un’s way to publicly announce his interest in talking with Moon Jae-in about reunification. With China and the USA involved, what do you see coming out of the 4-country meeting?” That Kim Jong Un wants to discuss reunification with South Korea is easing the tension that had been building, but several details about this encouraging development are yet to seen.
Will the presidents of South Korea, China and the United States agree on what to demand of North Korea? What will the countries offer in return? Once there is agreement on those issues, who will present the proposal to Kim Jong Un? Will he accept or reject the proffered terms? If the latter, will a series of negotiations achieve a satisfactory compromise? Regardless of what transpires in the very near term, prevailing vibrations support reunification of the two Koreas and the eventual agreement of all nations with nuclear weaponry to eliminate their arsenals.
What we shall say about the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, will be clear without including your questions and comments. This was not a matter of soul contract choices for any whose lives were lost, their families or others who love them. In a mass shooting some years ago, everyone who was directly affected had agreed to that experience to effect change that would prevent another incident of that kind anywhere in the country; since then, no collective soul agreements have been part of any mass shootings.
Of course you want your children to be safe in school, but arming and training teachers or other school personnel will not achieve that. Pointing to mental illness as the cause of mass shootings while ignoring the legal proliferation of the kinds of weapons the shooters use guarantees that those incidents will not end.
We are going to digress a moment to give you pertinent background information. The Illuminati, and before them other puppets of the dark forces, have been in the forefront of producing weapons, ammunitions and all other machinery of war from the outset. To assure a continuing market down through the centuries, they indoctrinated the civilization to believe that the way to peace is through war and following orders to fight for freedom is patriotic.
And, after taking steps to insure the outbreak of civil, international or worldwide wars, they sold arms to both sides. Wars have enriched their manufacturing companies, served their plan to eliminate many millions of the world’s people, and created the low vibrations of fear and violence that the dark ones need for survival.