If given a choice between two apparent versions of one thing, then I usually prefer the version with greatest detail.
I am viewing this through the lens of earlier telling, the Sumerian version of human engineering. The Adam was created as a product to perform services. It seems that the Adam was endowed with ability to make choices. That ability may have been deemed sufficient by the Corporation to legally engage the Adam in binding agreements which the Adam did not clearly understand. Today the Corporation engages people in marriage licenses and birth certifications and other which they do not fully understand.
Another consideration would be patent. The Corporation may have had legal patent rights, meaning ownership of offspring, for a specific period of time and possibly indefinitely depending on jurisdiction.
Yes, this is implying that the Corporation, in one form or another, has been around for much longer than we might like to think. I covered some evidence for that in https://cgi.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/members/forum.cgi?read=6597 .
The Anunnaki, those who came from heaven to Earth, were off world traders, at least interplanetary and quite possibly interstellar. That would have placed them under Law of the Interplanetary or Interstellar Sea which would be contract jurisdictions, essentially corporate.
Signers or sinners are the corpus or corpse of the legal fiction. The corpse lends life and will to the fiction or else the fiction can not act. Contracts are the life blood of the Corporation. Given one or both of the first two possibilities it is conceivable that "all men are born signers" could persist for as long as the Corporation exists on this planet or possibly in this solar system.
I do understand the difference between Law and Legal, but if the Earth has somehow been deemed a vessel in a solar or stellar sea then solution will have to be seriously rethought.
There seems to be a superior jurisdiction that did reset the bars and boundaries in the past. I think that that is going to be the key to this whole mess.
As below, so above.
: What they did have was the contract (or covenant) to have a
: circumcision to know they were different then other
: humans.. Abrahamic .. Was for those who were circumcised to
: own the land between Egypt and the Euphrates..
: I enjoyed reading this, Mike.. Ancient history is a favorite
: pastime of mine. Especially finding the common denominators
: within each culture.. Are you saying that we are under
: contract because of today's binding agreements we make with
: our lawmakers?? Sort of what Jordan Maxwell, Michael
: Tsarion, William Cooper, David Icke and many others have
: been saying.. If so then I totally agree.. We are born into
: bondage...
: There are several such contracts (or covenants) within the
: bible.. You have the Noah covenant where Jehovah says he
: will not destroy mankind with a flood anymore..
: Mosaic was when he promised to make them a kingdom of priests
: and a holy nation IF they followed his commandments..
: Priestly one was when the line of Aaron was made to be
: priests.. (I think they called them Cohans or Cohens..)
: Davidic was claiming them to be earths rulers and kings
: through King Davids line.. and then you have the NEW
: covenant (New Testament) for all...
: Then you have those who say that Brahman and Abraham are one
: and the same. Or at least the same genetic line of
: people...
: Krishna tossed out several covenants too..: To protect the
: righteous, and to destroy the evil. To re-establish
: humanity, I shall be re-born, ages to ages.
: Then Allah.. 'My covenant embraceth not the evil-doers.'.
: and on and on it goes.. No matter where you are on EArth,
: someone wants to put you in a contract ....
: imho,
: Lynda
: So Adam was given a condition to perform, that being to not