We are in that transition zone between the cruci-fiction of Jesus Christ and his rising into the Heavens as the everlasting Son of God. There have been various theories put forward about what he did during this time. Bishop Rufinus says he went to Hell. According to the Jewish calendar, Jesus was crucified at Noon and died at 3PM. I imagine there are very few of us who knew this; that he was on the cross for only 3 hours. Of course, we've no way of knowing with complete certitude that this was the actual time span. That is simply what the record states. The Jewish clock went from dawn to dusk each day and this is how scholars got their details. None of these details hold any importance for me. Details,a surfeit of details, a paucity of details, these are the tools of the trade for those who argue about them. Those who argue do not know and this brings up an amusing (for me) detail. A friend contacted me yesterday and said, “You should see what they are saying about you over at Truthseeker.”
I seldom, if ever, read the comments at that location. The people that comment there are the Grudgebots who were given their walking papers at the blogs but... I thought, 'what the heck', let's take a brief journey over to the nosebleed seats and see what the canaille has to say. There were a lot of them and some of them were very long so I only skimmed them but I saw enough to register what their complaints were and the perspective that they were complaining from. For the most part they were Fundies of the Christian and Muslim stripe, with one virulent atheist, who has been at my heels for a long time now. They're all anonymous, as fits the profile and they were jabbering away like the callers at a livestock auction.
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