The U.S. would be defeated in any war but I doubt an occupation would be successful in the aftermath. No matter how many are killed, and most that die would be in the cities, there is a weapon behind every blade of grass. At the point of an occupation force in America, the people would have nothing to lose in fighting. There would be open season on collaborators and Quislings. An attempt at occupation would be better than this slow decent into total 1984 tyranny that we are going through now. In the event of a successful rebellion, the people would demand another government put into place. The cycle goes on and on.
I am wondering if the so called enemies of the U. S. Corporation are also actors on the stage. Are Putin, Assad, Merkel,and others just playing parts of a perceived enemy in order to keep people in fear to demand more government? Is Trump just playing a role in this popularity contest? His policies are not any different than Hillary's. Both Hillary and Trump could make America great again. Just like Nazi Germany. You can not say that Germany wasn't great. Trump claims to be able to get the people back to work. What work? what is out there to invigorate an economy? Work camps making more weapons of war is the only thing I see on the horizon.
I am not writing this as a wana be arm chair soldier. After my insulin runs out I am gone. I know there is little I can do in a fight. I write because there are alternatives out there for people besides government control. We do not need rulers or slaves. We as a people would be far more advanced and wealthier in a free market society without government. We would not have unaccountable corporations controlling governments. We would not have billionaires controlling governments. We would have people telling those that want to dominate to mind their own business.